- Photo by Cedar & Pines
如何為新娘塑造出歐美 混血新娘妝 ?
我們十分著重輪廓的立體及細緻度,亦會運用大地色系和古銅色系列的自然顏色,加上深邃眼妝和濃密睫毛打造迷人眼神。此外歐美風造型推崇蓬鬆浪漫編髮,流露不經意的慵懶氣質,帶出新娘時尚的魅力,造出永不過時的 混血新娘妝 造型。

- Creative Director/ HMUA: Sapphire Shen @beyoutifulbridal @shensapphire
Art Director/ Photographer: Shirley Sin @shirleysinphotography
Model: Lydia Carlson @lydiaacarlson
Stylist:Brigita Karina Paje @the_style_phoenix
Floral Design: Alida @halomondayfloraldesign @beperfectwedding
Gown:secret_white_bridal @secret_white_bridal
Antique Props and set Dressing: Galet Antique @galet_antique

- Photo: Jude Tsang @youareinvitedhk
Gown: @bridalistic_official
Accessories: @norahsdesign
Venue: @laporte.hk
Model: @melodychanx

- HMUA: Sapphire Shen @beyoutifulbridalhk
Creative Director: Sapphire Shen @shensapphire
Art Director/ Photographer: Shirley Sin @shirleysinphotography
Model: Mia M @japachinese_mia
Floral Design: Alida @halomondayfloraldesign @beperfectwedding
Gown: La Comme Vintage @lacommevintage
Jewellery: Atelier wengi @atelier.wengi
Location :Galet Antique @galet_antique
我和我的團隊 beyoutifulbridal 都曾參與世界各地的婚禮及 Pre-wedding 拍攝化妝及髮型服務,貼心地為新娘和伴娘提供由外表到心靈的支援,照顧好每一個細節,讓新娘可以充滿自信地以煥然一新的姿態出現人前!

- Photo: Shirley Sin @Leserenephotography
Makeup and Hair: Sapphire Shen @shensapphire @beyoutifulbridalhk
Gown: @legacy_vintage_
Jewellery: @atelier.wengi
Venue: Le Galet @legalet.hk
Model: Angel Wong @nnnngel

- Creative Director/ HMUA: Sapphire Shen @beyoutifulbridal @shensapphire
Art Director/ Photographer: Shirley Sin @shirleysinphotography
Model: Peggy Lai @peggylail
Gown: secret_white_bridal @secret_white_bridal
Jewelry: Royal Enterprises @royalentjewels